Faiyar planned to leap into the pit to look for Jared. But just as he was about to jump, he noticed a slight movement amidst the rocks at the bottom of the pit. Immediately after, Jared climbed out from those very rocks.

However, Jared’s Golem Body had already vanished by then. His clothes were tattered and torn, and blood trickled out the corner of his mouth.

It proved that although the blow earlier didn’t kill him, it had injured him.

“Mr. Chance, I knew you couldn’t possibly be dead!” Faiyar instantly exclaimed in joy upon seeing that Jared was still alive.

“How could I possibly die that easily? The person capable of killing me hasn’t been born yet!”

With a grin, Jared then leapt out of the pit.

Upon seeing that Jared was alive, Pablo was momentarily taken aback. However, he quickly sneered, “You really are something else, surviving even that. But no matter how capable you are, you won’t make it through today.”

Norman was also shocked to see that Jared was still alive and even managed to jump out of the pit by himself, seemingly largely unharmed despite having suffered injuries.

easy to

corner of

already well aware of the power of your Demon Flogger, so I won’t allow you to succeed if

finished speaking, he suddenly spewed a mouthful of black blood. As the black blood sprayed out, Pablo roared, “Demon


the sight of that, Jared’s brows furrowed, and his expression turned

attack a Demonic Cultivator’s spiritual sense. Even if the person wore armor, it would be utterly

monster formed

effect on such a monster since the creature

your Demon Whip is useless now, huh?

nothing about it.

Demon Form is formidable, it’s riddled with weaknesses. This guy is truly useless. He didn’t even manage

Demon Lord began to

Jared was overjoyed. He

nearly got killed just now. If I were to die, you wouldn’t even

put that question to Vermilion Demon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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