Jared’s body lunged forward as if piercing through a layer of ripples, and he found himself standing in front of the cultivation technique documentation device.

Following closely behind, Skylar’s strike had also arrived.

However, the black mist that was only a few steps away from Jared suddenly dissipated.

Skylar was taken aback. Then, he once again unleashed several waves of black mist. However, the result remained the same. The black mist dissipated upon arriving before Jared.

Upon observing the situation, Jared scrutinized his surroundings meticulously. He discovered that there was a restraining power around the cultivation technique documentation device. Although it was invisible and intangible, Jared could still sense it.

Earlier, Jared’s spiritual energy also dissipated upon coming into contact with the restraining power.

break through the restraining power, Jared relaxed considerably. Consequently, he reached out, intending to pick up the

reached out, the cultivation technique documentation device erupted in a beam of golden light. Jared felt as if his body was

on?” Jared was taken aback, his face drained of color. The cultivation technique documentation device is right before me, so why can I still not retrieve it? Don’t tell me Baal placed a restraint on this cultivation technique

what was happening, the cultivation technique documentation device slowly began to emit waves of

emitted by Baal during his

it brought him a great sense of relaxation,

afraid you won’t be able to break through the restraint on this cultivation technique documentation device of martial arts. Perhaps you can shatter this restraint if you

that I need to achieve a breakthrough here to attract a lightning tribulation to remove the restraint on

strength, even if a Top Level Tribulator won’t be able to shatter this restraint. Therefore, none could obtain this cultivation technique documentation device even if one reaches here. That is

rendered speechless. What is Baal up to? No wonder all the experts Demonia Sect had employed previously failed. Who would’ve expected such a restraint to be placed on this

wouldn’t have known how

achieving an immediate breakthrough was easier said than done. Every minor advancement Jared made required an immense amount

Dragon Ginseng stored within his Storage

Demonia Dragon Ginseng and began to absorb

Jared was

was capable of shattering the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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