“My good sir, the Lunarius Palace rests in the far south of Demonia Mountain,” Dillon began, his tone cautious. “It’s a region perpetually shrouded in snow, with temperatures plummeting to unbearable levels. Furthermore, the path leading there winds through the treacherous depths of Demonia Mountain, fraught with peril at every turn. Venturing alone poses immense risks-chaos and danger lurk in the mountain’s depths. Without proper caution, you may die before even reaching the palace. The area is rife with wandering cultivators, and it’s not as safe as it is here.”

“Furthermore,” Dillon continued, his tone grave, “considering you’re only a Third Level Tribulator, even the base of Demonia Mountain poses considerable danger, let alone venturing deeper into its depths. You ought to weigh the risks carefully. Frankly, if Moses hadn’t brought you here, I wouldn’t have divulged this information to you.”

Jared’s brows furrowed slightly at Dillon’s words. He hadn’t expected the southernmost region of the Ethereal Realm to resemble the frigid landscapes of the mundane world’s polar regions. In the mundane realm, both the South and North poles were known for their perpetual snow and harsh conditions, where survival was a constant battle against freezing temperatures. However, the vastness of the Ethereal Realm far surpassed that of the mundane world.

Jared was acutely aware that the depths of Demonia Mountain harbored numerous Demonic Cultivators, rendering it an exceptionally perilous territory. Yet, he couldn’t simply remain idle for days, waiting for an available spot on an airship.

here has recently saved my daughter’s life,” Moses interjected, noticing Jared’s troubled expression. “In light of his invaluable service,

taken aback by Moses’s revelation. “Moses, your daughter is well?” he inquired, astonishment evident

to Mr. Chance,” Moses affirmed with a nod, withholding Jared’s true identity. While he could choose not to take action against Jared despite

clearly seeing him in a new

you saved the life of Moses’ daughter, I’ll make the necessary arrangements for you,” Dillon declared to Jared. “An airship bound for the Lunarius Palace will depart shortly. Follow me; I personally oversee all airship operations to the palace. The journey through the depths of Demonia Mountain is perilous, with many Demonic Cultivators lurking about. I must

you so much,” Jared expressed

the shoulder. “Thank you, Dillon. Once you return, join

room. “Absolutely! I’ll hold you

leaned in close to Jared, suggesting in a whisper, “Mr. Chance, perhaps we should

reaches of Demonia Mountain were harsh, with its perpetually cold climate posing

look out

I’ve already imposed enough on you during this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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