The fear emanating from the passengers was palpable, each one trembling in the face of the group’s overwhelming aura.

Among the passengers, the majority were young cultivators bound for Lunarius Palace, driven by curiosity and the hope of finding romantic partners among the palace’s renowned beauties.

However, most of them were relatively weak, with the majority only Second or Third Level Tribulators, lacking the strength to confront such a formidable threat.

Suddenly confronted by such formidable cultivators, the young passengers were naturally gripped by fear.

Dillon, attempting to maintain his composure despite the tension, addressed the group, his voice tinged with a hint of suppressed anger. “My friends, surely you understand the strength of Pathfinder Sect since you had the audacity to get in our airship’s way. Do you think you can dismiss us so easily?”

If possible, he wanted to avoid conflict. Considering the group’s frequent ventures into the treacherous depths of Demonia Mountain, Dillon weighed the potential repercussions of engaging in a deadly feud. It was clear that any altercation would only invite relentless harassment upon Pathfinder Sect in the future, creating needless complications.

harbor no, intentions of disrespecting your sect. However, today, I only have one demand. Surrender one individual to me, and the rest of you may depart unharmed, with all your resources

aback. He hadn’t anticipated that these rogues weren’t after mere material possessions

guy named Jared Chance!” One- Eyed

“Mr. Chance?”

there some history between Mr. Chance and your group? Why are

“Mr. Sawyer, do you truly not know, or are you feigning ignorance? Jared Chance has been marked for execution by the Demon Seal Alliance. Killing him would earn me a handsome reward from the alliance. I find it hard to believe that you’re unaware. You’re clearly planning to monopolize the bounty that the Demon Seal Alliance offers,

accusation left Dillon stunned; he was indeed oblivious to this

in the luxurious private room, Jared’s heart tightened when he heard One- Eyed’s words. He hadn’t anticipated that

airship. Many cultivators,

Demon Seal Alliance, but they didn’t know Jared. Thus, they didn’t even know

mentioned that Jared was on board

Jared?” A Fifth Level Tribulator, deemed powerful among

inquiry. None dared to

he wouldn’t be sitting among us. He’s likely in

escort someone to the first-class

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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