Thump! Thump! Thump!

Suddenly, the few cultivators who had just rushed in were all shockingly hurled out. One by one, these individuals collapsed onto the ground, wailing in agony.

“D*mn! What kind of test is this? It’s utterly insane…”

“Didn’t they say my life wouldn’t be in danger? I nearly died in there!”

“My leg is broken. How was I supposed to continue cultivating?”

“A bunch of liars! Lunarius Palace is filled with a bunch of liars!”

The cultivators who were flung out were all screaming in pain and cursing at Lunarius Palace. At that moment, the numerous cultivators who were eager to get into action were all left dumbfounded.

Many people began to feel nervous. They had only mustered the courage to participate after hearing Yuliya’s assurance that there was no threat to their lives.

to continue their cultivation, it would

realizing that no one dared to step forward, Keiran let out a cold huff. With an air of confidence and nonchalance, he strode into the trial

other cultivators gritted their teeth and followed suit, while

was meticulously calculating the time, anticipating the moment when Keiran was about to pass the test. That was when he would

just turn back. I’ve told you before that even

yet he remained silent. After a brief pause, he stepped into

into the trial tower, Jared discovered a drastic shift in his surroundings. Astonishingly, he found himself in

air was filled with the roars of various wild beasts

smirk played at the corner of Jared’s mouth. He hadn’t expected the test

was possible that every person who entered the trial tower experienced a different setting, and each of these settings

forth into the

charge out, only to be effortlessly

was only a Third Level Tribulator, he was fearless, even when faced with

journey, until he finally arrived before the gemstone that radiated a

had to do was touch the gemstone, infusing it with his own aura, and he would be transported out of the trial tower, thereby successfully passing the

as Jared was preparing to approach the gem by emanating his aura from his

Come out

discovery. Someone was actually hiding not too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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