Thud! Thud! Thud!

The arrow whizzed through several shields in a row, finally shattering the firewall in an instant.

Keiran’s heart pounded with terror. Left with no choice, he bit down hard on his tongue, spitting out a mouthful of blood essence.

In an instant, his blood essence froze, and then, just as the arrow was about to strike, a violent explosion occurred.

The aura of terror surged like a flood, wildly spreading in all directions. Indeed, it was this aura that brought the arrow’s flight to a halt.

However, the aura emanating from Keiran was visibly diminishing at a rapid pace.

In a desperate bid to survive, Keiran utilized all his blood essence within himself. Although he managed to stay alive, he had no chance of advancing further. His strength was likely to decline.

With a menacing glare, Keiran shot Jared a look, then swiftly moved forward to seize the gemstone that shimmered with a green glow.

Keiran’s form started to fade. Ultimately,

anticipate that even with Divine Bow in his hands, Keiran managed

touched the gemstone, his body was

accompanied by numerous female cultivators from Lunarius Palace, was waiting for those

were occasionally teleported out of the trial tower, but to Yuliya’s surprise,

passing the test was supposed to be a breeze

passed the test, but

a bit anxious. After all, Keiran was Selma Mueller’s nephew, and Selma was an elder. If anything were to go wrong in the trial tower, Yuliya knew she

was observing Jared’s silhouette. He’s only a Third Level Tribulator. Passing the test is supposed to be

Jared was neither eliminated nor did he pass, which

abruptly surged from the top of the trial tower before swiftly plummeting

roared and charged

tail, relentlessly pursuing him with Dragonslayer

When she gazed at the fallen

looked terribly ill, his energy seemingly depleted, as

Jared was gripping Dragonslayer Sword, his gaze fixed

Seventh- Level Tribulator is left in such a sorry state,

after me next.

reveal Jared’s true identity to Yuliya because he had his own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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