From amidst the swirling snowstorm, a woman garbed in white, reminiscent of a fairy, emerged from the grand hall.

The chilling air around her instantly enveloped the woman, even the cold air manipulated by Selma was swiftly drawn toward her.

“Greetings, Ms. Nieva…”

Upon witnessing this scene, Yuliya was the first to fall to her knees. Soon after, every disciple from Lunarius Palace followed suit, all of them kneeling down in unison.

“Is this the head of Lunarius Palace? She’s really stunning!”

“Today truly is an eye-opener. I actually got to meet the head of Lunarius Palace!”

“What an intimidating aura! I bet the head of Lunarius Palace has already reached Ultimate Realm, hasn’t she?”

Numerous cultivators stared in astonishment at the woman who had suddenly appeared.

reversed its course, roaring like a huge wave. The snowflakes that had been floating disappeared in the

Selma with an icy expression and asked, “Ms. Mueller, you acted as you pleased in Lunarius Palace. Are you aware that you’ve broken

the head of Lunarius

in front of me. How can I face my late nephew if I don’t take his life today?”

to seek justice. Although

if I must kill him

Level Tribulator, surprisingly challenged Nieva, who had

left many

is having a confrontation with the head of

was utterly taken aback, staring in shock


an instant, a transparent ice

grating noise as she exclaimed, “Ms. Nieva, are you seriously cutting ties with the Mueller family over an

the traditions of Lunarius Palace. Must you insist on bloodshed within these walls? Don’t forget, you hold the position of an elder in

him to pieces! I’ll also notify the Mueller family and reveal everything that’s happened here.

glare, then stormed off with a dismissive flick

didn’t want others to beat her to it. She intended for the century-long offerings of the Demon Seal Alliance to

the cultivators that they can go get some rest. Now, they are free to choose the female

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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