Surprisingly, Nieva didn’t allow Jared to participate in the polar region expedition. Moreover, she knew that Jared was there to retrieve the Demonia Stone.

“Why? Wasn’t the whole point of you testing so many people to prepare for the expedition to the polar region, Ms. Nieva? I believe I can help.” Jared couldn’t comprehend why Nieva wanted him to leave.

“Mr. Chance, you may not know this, but the expedition to the polar region is fraught with danger. True, it’s an immortal’s tomb, abundant with opportunities and untapped resources. However, it’s also a perilous territory. Those who venture there may not have a chance to come back alive. This expedition to the polar region is merely exploratory. It’s the most dangerous phase, so you can’t go,” Nieva explained.

If turned out Nieva was forbidding Jared to take part out of concern for his safety.

Ms. Nieva. If we can figure out this place, perhaps you won’t have to worry about resources in the future.” Upon hearing that, Jared became even more resolute in his thoughts. Since Ms. Nieva has been looking out for me at every turn,

me to explore the polar region. If I can discover resource-rich areas, it

demeanor, Nieva became at a loss for words. In the end, she

hinged on this expedition to the polar region. After falling out with the Mueller

make this sacrifice to repay the favor of you saving my life. However, I can only handle five people at most in one night. I’m afraid my body

the Seizon residence. However, that time wasn’t too bad because it only involved the Seizon sisters. This time, there are

can do that?” Nieva was

he slightly lifted his right hand, and in an instant, a flame ignited

the flames continued to rise, rapidly increasing the temperature within

same time, the fire nascence within Jared continuously

comprehended fire nascence. This is much more powerful than the Mueller family’s fire

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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