The news of Keiran’s death cast a terrifying gloom over the entire Mueller family.

Since the head of the Mueller family, who was also Keiran’s father, was in solitary cultivation, no one dared to make a decision regarding that matter.

An elderly man with a beard and a thin figure asked, “Can we be certain that Mr. Keiran was murdered?”

That person was Terrence Stinton, the Mueller family’s chief butler. After the head of the Mueller family went into solitary cultivation, Terrence was tasked with handling all the family’s affairs.

“Yes. The message came from Lunarius Palace. Ms. Selma had personally sent the message.” At that moment, a servant from the Mueller family handed a letter to Terrence.

Terrence unfolded the letter, and after he read the content, his expression turned cold and stern.

“I can’t believe Mr. Keiran was killed by this guy named Jared, and Ms. Nieva is even sheltering that guy. Relay these orders at once! The Mueller family members are forbidden from collaborating with Lunarius Palace. Also, select a few experts to standby in Lunarius Palace’s vicinity to heed Ms. Selma’s commands at any moment.” Upon reading the letter, Terrence immediately made the arrangements.

It seemed that Selma had no intention of letting Jared off the hook. The moment Jared stepped out of Lunarius Palace, she would make her move against him.

Even if she found it inconvenient to take action personally, she could still have the Mueller family experts, who were hiding near Lunarius Palace, eliminate Jared.

Selma was determined to avenge Keiran.

also had plans to journey to the polar region. The Mueller family and Lunarius Palace had

was dead now. The polar region was clearly abundant with resources and opportunities.

Mueller family also desired to claim the immortal’s

dawn the next day, Jared woke up after having slept

reckoned that was likely

battle he had endured the previous

moment, Nieva was already standing in the courtyard, staring blankly at the

stretched languidly, then greeted Nieva, “Good

how was your rest?” inquired

I didn’t expect to sleep so comfortably

might lose sleep from getting hung up over Lunarius Palace’s

Jared gave an awkward

you to retrieve the Demonia Stones and introduce

was taken

venture to the polar region without companions?” Nieva asked with a

that each of them could choose

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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