“Ms. Nieva, am I supposed to take these twelve people with me? This… Isn’t this a bit too much? I’m afraid I might not be able to protect them all!” Jared expressed his concern with a slight frown.

Had it been just one or two people, it would have been more convenient for Jared to manage. However, these were twelve individuals! How could Jared possibly look out for them all?

If danger were to strike, was he supposed to run alone, or would he have to flee with these people?

Right now, Jared had already mastered Blazing Stride. Even if he encountered a Top Level Tribulator, he could still likely escape if he chose to flee.

But if he were to bring along so many people, then there would be no way to make a quick getaway!

After all, these people were simply too weak, only Sixth Level Tribulators.

If they were all Top Level Tribulators, Jared would have been more than happy to bring them with him.

speaking, Nieva hadn’t yet responded when one

abruptly, her eyes brimming with anger as she snapped, “Hmph! You sure talk big. You’re just

“Bianca, shut up.”

the female cultivator, who closed her

also felt that he might have gone a bit too far with his words, so he didn’t bother

first. Don’t concern yourself with their fate. In the end, there can

uttered such words

maidens didn’t seem surprised at all, as if they already knew their own destiny and

promise I’ll do my best to

putting yourselves in harm’s way. The trip to the polar region this time is pivotal for the future fate and development of Lunarius Palace. It also concerns your own destinies. Whoever shows the most improvement and makes the greatest contribution during this polar region expedition can become the sole holy maiden of Lunarius Palace. The rest will be

we still need to ensure his safety?” Bianca frowned slightly as she

very notion of them having to sacrifice themselves to protect Jared’s life was, in her view, nothing short of

where they were in Demonia Mountain. It was likely that even the demon

Jared while risking their lives was simply adding

you have any objections?” Nieva asked with furrowed brows, an icy aura

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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