Jared was skillfully executing the Blazing Strides, continuously evading the incoming attacks!

Jared’s figure flickered in and out of sight, causing all of Leighton’s attacks to miss their mark!

Leighton watched as two demonic fire flickered beneath Jared’s feet, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

“What kind of technique is this?” Leighton couldn’t comprehend how Jared could possibly achieve instant teleportation just by relying on two balls of fire!

“Why ask me? Isn’t your Mueller family famous for fire techniques? Go ahead, keep trying. I’m not afraid of fire at all!” Jared gave a cold laugh, his gaze filled with disdain!

Leighton was seething with rage. He, a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator, was being toyed with by Jared, a mere Third Level Tribulator cultivator. Thankfully, they were not in Southedge City, where there were fewer onlookers. Otherwise, he would have disgraced the Mueller family!

“Today, I’ll show you the true power of the Mueller family’s fire techniques!” With a low growl, Leighton suddenly swung both his hands toward the open air!

Waves of heat suddenly converged in mid-air. The immense heat wave caused the surrounding snow to melt instantly, revealing the brown earth beneath!

then Leighton cast a spiritual spell. Instantly, those heatwaves

flames roared as they rushed


of flames engulfed everything, leaving Jared with

no time, Jared was utterly engulfed by the sea of flames. His figure

smirk. “You’re too green to compete

He plopped down onto the ground, his eyes glued to the sight of Jared being engulfed by the sea of flames. Inside his

me next? Alastair was consumed with worry about his own fate, and while he wanted to flee, his legs

Jared’s scream, he couldn’t help but speak out! “This guy’s tough, capable of enduring the scorching flames for such a long time without uttering a single

discovered that the kilometers-wide sea of fire was diminishing

engulfed in flames. The fire from the inferno around him seemed to be converging toward him as if he

here?” Leighton’s face

his eyes, looking on in

moment later, the sea of fire had vanished, leaving Jared with a look of pure enjoyment

faint smile and said, “Thank you for your passion. It has indeed brightened

grasped fire nascence?”

With a wave of his hand, Jared unleashed the fire nascence, a ball of flame pulsating in the palm of his

radiated by that flame was significantly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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