Nieva once again brought Jared to the space where the holy maidens were training.

As soon as they entered, they could hear a series of shouts emanating from within, accompanied by the sound of explosions echoing through the void.

This was a scene where the holy maidens were sparring against each other.

Only in this way could these holy maiden achieve the greatest level of teamwork.

The journey to the polar region was to commence tomorrow. As for how many of these holy maidens would survive and return, it was anyone’s guess.

“Everyone, stop!” Nieva ordered.

Immediately after, over a dozen holy maidens emerged from various places.

Bianca stepped forward and addressed Nieva, “Ms. Nieva, my comrades and I have been training rigorously. On this upcoming journey to the polar region, we will not fail our mission. We will surely find the resources Lunarius Palace needs.”

“You’ve all worked hard, and we’re setting off tomorrow. Practicing strenuously today won’t make much of a difference. It might be better to get some rest instead. Today, you all are free to leave this place and get some air outside,” Nieva declared.

holy maidens were extremely delighted. After all, they had been staying there for

you, Ms. Nieva!” the holy

He also brought gifts

Nieva finished speaking,

However, their

in an attempt to bribe them, hoping

of these holy maidens. Instead, he took out

radiated from the Black tortoiseshell,

“A black tortoiseshell?”

was instantly taken

common knowledge that the black tortoiseshell was incredibly sturdy, capable of being

that had array runes engraved on

from Southedge City and spent the entire night engraving array runes on them. Each of you should carry one. At crucial moments, these black tortoiseshells might very well save your

or so black tortoiseshells, which landed accurately in the

tortoiseshell were engraved by Jared himself, the holy maidens were filled with a mix of

master was quite a rarity in Ethereal Realm, especially one

appearance didn’t even come close to a senior array

confusion on the faces of the holy maidens, and with a light smile, he asked,

the array runes were engraved by Jared. If they were not high- level enough, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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