When Jared heard Yuliya’s explanation, he indeed realized that these snow bear beasts hadn’t attacked him at the time. They had merely tried to scare him off to make him leave.

It was Jared’s proactive approach for the sake of the polar stones that sparked the conflict.

As a result, all those snow bear beasts were killed.

A touch of guilt surprisingly stirred within Jared’s heart.

“How did it go for you guys? Did you find any polar stones?” he asked.

“We only found a few. We encountered a demon beast and two holy maidens got injured,” Bianca replied.

Upon hearing that two holy maidens were injured, Jared asked, “Is the injury severe? Let me take a look…”

“It’s not serious, just a superficial wound,” Bianca said.

“Let you take a look? Who can handle you undressing and touching them?” Yuliya muttered.

was still

gave an awkward laugh,

Chance, how’s your harvest?” Bianca

stone mine. At this rate, I’m afraid we won’t find enough to

stones are. However, it’s incredibly dangerous. If one were to accidentally

tomb. Moreover, the polar stones don’t serve much purpose

Storage Ring and handed them to Bianca. “Have everyone take

and start to rest, while Jared sat cross-legged, engrossed in

stated that only those who had comprehended time nascence could

was engrossed in studying the skill, he suddenly sensed a stir within

found was so shocking that it

at some

the time Jared discovered it, hundreds of polar stones had already been devoured

much effort I put into finding them, and you’ve eaten them

It simply fell into a deep sleep after filling its

the Celestial Devourer, unable to

I can’t keep the polar stones in the Storage

returns and I regain my strength, I’ll repay you. It’s no big deal. Do you understand that what you’re doing now is an investment? Once we reach the celestial realm, I’ll take care

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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