This abrupt scene left everyone utterly dumbfounded.

Bianca’s face was filled with self-reproach. Yuliya’s eyes were wide open. She could not believe everything that had happened before her.

Jared also sensed that something was amiss and, in an instant, he used Blazing Stride to swiftly return.

However, it was too late. He could not save the two holy maidens. All he could do was watch, wide-eyed, as the holy maidens were strangled and fell into the crevice.

A blaze of anger ignited in his eyes.

“Bianca, what on earth is going on? I demand an explanation.”

Jared gritted his teeth, his voice terrifyingly icy.

Bianca’s body trembled slightly as a mix of fear and sorrow coursed through her.

careless command. They were all aware that the polar region was fraught with danger, and they

two lives due to her own

polar stones from across, so we wouldn’t have to detour. I

to continue speaking and shed tears of

a deaf ear to what I just said?

cried incessantly, brimming

wanted to get the polar stones as soon as possible. Who knew something like this would happen? We didn’t want it either. I made Bianca do it. It’s all my fault.

looked at Yuliya, his eyes filled

orders. It seems that it’s indeed Yuliya who has

in vain. Just go ahead on your own. If you’re dead, you won’t have to take responsibility for anyone else. I bet you don’t have the guts. Everyone who was with you is now dead, yet you’re still alive. Did you abandon them at the most critical moment, saving your own skin? Don’t think you’re so impressive. If not for us, you’d be a corpse by

words Jared spoke were harsh. He couldn’t

really get a lot of people

anyone. You can’t say that about

was provoked by Jared, her whole body trembling. She abruptly ran off on her


chase after her

Let that fool come to her

continued his journey with Bianca and the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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