Handling these white wolves alone wouldn’t have been an issue for them. However, in such a place, the slightest carelessness could result in them being drawn into the chaos dimension, and that was the true danger.

These white wolves seemed to be intrigued by the polar stones before them. Each one was baring its teeth and snarling, standing guard around the polar stones.

Jared knew that without dealing with these white wolves, there was no way they could get their hands on the polar stones.

“Prepare for battle…”

Jared drew out his Dragonslayer Sword.

Bianca stood right behind Jared with a dozen holy maidens.

Everyone’s gaze held an unwavering determination.

Upon witnessing Jared and his group preparing to attack, a white wolf let out a furious roar. In response, dozens of white wolves bellowed fiercely and charged toward them.

Much like a massive tidal wave, endless frost energy carried a terrifying aura as it surged toward Jared.

Jared swung his Dragonslayer Sword, which was wrapped in demonic fire.

The demonic fire blazed fiercely, startling several dozens of white wolves.

This kind of demon beast was most afraid of demonic fire.

to halt their attack. Bianca seized the opportunity and

frost swords

subsequently coalescing into

faint smile played at the corners of Jared’s mouth. He then unleashed a demonic fire into the midst of the

clouds, which were initially chillingly cold, suddenly had a

tumbled overhead as countless ice arrows

tinged with

when they saw that. They gathered, their collective aura converging to form a visible ice

through this ice shield was

ice arrow was imbued with demonic fire, it could

fire, the ice

white wolves were struck, and they collapsed to the ground

just one fight, half of

rage, its jaws agape, exposing a terrifying array of teeth. It lunged at Jared, recognizing him as the

its aura, and a wave of

seeing the situation, Jared let out a cold huff, smoothly swinging the

over it, and then it collided

tumbling several times before it slowly managed to

evident in its eyes as

the white wolf began

route these white wolves took for their retreat led

Jared furrowed his brows.

live here. Are they oblivious to the terror of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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