With all his strength, Heinrik unleashed a spiritual shield, hoping to block Jared’s punch!

However, after his prolonged battle with the ice bear, his spiritual power was significantly depleted. Even when he exerted all his strength to form a spiritual energy shield, he feared it might not be able to withstand a single blow from Jared!

As the golden light erupted, Jared’s punch effortlessly pierced through the spiritual shield, landing a fierce blow on Heinrik’s body!

Heinrik’s body flew toward the distance, much like a kite that had slipped its string!

In mid-air, Heinrik spewed fresh blood, tracing an arc!

With a mighty impact, Heinrik crashed into the rock wall, causing the entire small mountain to rumble loudly!

Upon witnessing that scene, Edward and Stuart exchanged a glance before turning to flee!

The truth had been exposed, and staying meant certain death for them!

“Hmph, thought you could escape, did you? It’s not that easy!” Lauden gave a cold huff, leaping up in a swift motion, blocking the path of the two individuals!

The ice bears around were glaring fiercely!

were wrong. This whole affair was orchestrated by

and teachings, spare us this


didn’t know what happened to Heinrik after Jared landed a punch on the

together for many years. However, you all, for the sake of your own

Stuart realized that Lauden was determined to back them into a corner that day. Gritting

two immediately took

only recently become a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator, so they were fully capable of dealing with him if they joined

an instant. Jared had already reached the side of Lauden, his eyes sparkling with a sharp brilliance, filled

hummed impatiently, as if it couldn’t wait

two seem to have forgotten about me.” Jared

seeing Jared, Edward and Stuart felt a wave of tension gripped them both. However, given the circumstances, they had no choice but to

them were yelling, heading straight toward Jared

with disdain. He was no longer someone who could be dealt with by an

while back, he was driven to a state of

just a few short days, Jared was able to completely disregard those

a wave of heat, as


stomped his feet onto the ground, and suddenly, walls

feet of Stuart

that mud wall was as flimsy as paper in the face of his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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