The gigantic malicious spirit opened its mouth wide, and all the malicious spirits transmogrified by Cole were sucked into its body!

In an instant, thousands of malicious spirits vanished without a trace!

Cole’s mouth hung open in disbelief at the sight before him.

“This… How could this be possible? How could you transmogrify a malicious spirit? No, this isn’t lethal intent. It’s marked aura, the marked aura of Elder Hadad. How do you have marked aura? It’s a hundred times more powerful than lethal intent. Who are you?” Cole’s body trembled as he questioned Jared loudly.

“If I told you I was a good friend of your Elder Hadad, would you believe me?” Jared replied with a faint smile.

“You’re talking nonsense…” Cole refused to believe it.

How could Hadad be friends with Jared, a minor Tribulator cultivator?

Moreover, after the Celestial Battle thousands of years ago, he had disappeared. No one knew whether he was dead or alive. Everyone assumed he had died in battle long ago. How could he have a friend?

“Ah, I’m telling the truth, but unfortunately, you don’t believe me,. There’s nothing I can do!”

Jared shook his head, suddenly opening his mouth!

tremendous suction force instantly sucked the malicious spirit into his body, along with all the surrounding black mist, leaving the sky clear for miles

black mist was nowhere to be

such a vast amount of black mist, Cole was so shocked

wasn’t a Demonic Cultivator, he wouldn’t have dared to


on earth

Tribulator who wasn’t a

was beyond his

is strange. I

he dared not continue his

Cole turned to

to run, but have

the Blazing Stride, Jared caught

exerted more force to speed up

Jared was like a ghost, always trailing

up!” Jared

He had no idea what technique Jared was using, but it allowed

“Stop chasing…”

launched a

didn’t use lethal intent as he knew it had

pure surge of spiritual energy, directed straight

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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