Chapter 3814 A Closed Loop

“That’s Polar Mountain, where the true polar stone mine is situated. It’s just that Polar Mountain is usually obscured by a barrier, making it impossible to see. Only when space-time is distorted in the chaos dimension at the border will Polar Mountain reveal itself. Only then will there be a chance to enter Polar Mountain to gather the polar stones. This is something I just found out, which is why I came to the polar region looking for you,” Selma explained.

Leighton realized then why Selma had suddenly arrived in the polar region.

They had only found scattered pieces of polar stones these past few days and didn’t locate any polar stone mine. It turned out it was hidden by a barrier.

Moreover, Polar Mountain was located in the chaos dimension at the border, a place no one dared to approach. That was why no one had discovered it.

“Ms. Selma, you drove the holy maidens of Lunarius Palace into the chaos dimension to distort space-time within, thus creating the conditions to enter Polar Mountain, right?”

Leighton understood at once.

“Not bad. You’re pretty smart.” Selma gave a faint smile.

At that time, Bianca and the others had reached the edge of the chaos dimension. If they were to move forward, they would be sucked into the turbulent flow of the chaos dimension.

Death would be certain, and not even a corpse would be left behind.

“Ladies, let’s hold hands. There’s nothing to fear. Upon entering the chaos dimension, you will be torn apart by the turbulent currents. There won’t be any pain.”

with a resolute look in

“Don’t do anything foolish!”

voice echoed, and his

“Mr. Chance…”

was overjoyed. She hadn’t expected Jared to



as they halted, anticipating Jared’s arrival, a sudden, immense force began

were swept


“Hold on tight…”

her teeth, holding

their all, yet the immense suction continued to drag them toward

be able to

of energy sent Bianca

instantly drawn into the chaos

“Mr. Chance!”

maidens were taken aback, yet not one of them could lend

the chaos dimension. He activated Golem Body

crumble as he was pulled deeper into the chaos

within him, forming layers of protective shields around

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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