Chapter 3831 The Puppet

“Wow! I-Is this an immortal’s tomb?”

“What a grand sect! We’re rich! We’re rich!”

“There must be quite a few treasures here, thankfully we didn’t leave.”

Numerous cultivators had also rushed to the cave entrance, gazing down at the grand gate of the sect below. They were all so elated that they felt like jumping for joy.

Holden was also astounded by the scene before his eyes.

He hadn’t expected that the cave would actually lead to such a large sect. Numerous cultivators leaped down one after another, each filled with a sense of wonder and novelty.

At that point, Jared and his companions had already entered the sect’s gate. As they looked at the dilapidated houses and collapsed buildings, Jared couldn’t help but sigh with regret. “Stay alert, everyone! Be cautious of the traps within this sect!”

Jared knew that even if such a vast sect was destroyed, there were likely still traps and mechanisms lurking within its depths.

There could even be remnants of formation arrays.

all, such a sect would undoubtedly have a great sect

Holden and his group had already caught up. Seeing Jared and his companions treading carefully, Holden stepped forward and asked,

asked Jared was because he felt that Jared must

scared to enter that cave, but

to enter if he wasn’t fully confident and

either, but it’s best to tread carefully. After all, in an establishment as vast as this, there are likely to be residual sect defense formations, not to mention potential traps and

ahead. If there’s any danger, we’ll be able to respond

finished speaking, he flicked his sleeve and two shadows appeared in

into two puppets as tall as a person.

within Infinitnus Celestial Sect was incredibly stringent, which was evident just by observing the structure of the sect’s

greeted by a stretch of relatively low-built rooms. While some were in a

must have been the areas where the

deeper they ventured, the grander and more imposing

one, individual courtyards began to appear. These must have been the residences of some senior

all had their own unique spaces for

the others found a relatively intact courtyard, then they cautiously pushed the door open to

had barely stepped through the door, they unexpectedly exploded without

in a mere moment, had turned

certainly gave everyone quite

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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