Chapter 3833 That Is How It Is

“It’s highly likely. Let’s descend the mountain…” With a wave of her hand, Selma led the members of the Mueller family down the mountain.

At the entrance of the cave, a faint glow was still flickering. It wouldn’t be long before the Mueller family would discover this cave.

At that moment, Jared was still studying and deciphering the formation in front of him.

Suddenly, Jared made a move, quickly heading toward the courtyard.

Upon seeing the situation, Bianca and the others quickly stepped forward to restrain Jared. “Mr. Chance, it’s dangerous. Don’t act rashly.”

Just moments ago, the two puppets were instantly reduced to nothing. It was certain that Jared’s daring venture would bring danger.

Holden and the others were also taken aback by Jared.

to break the formation, we can try together. Please don’t venture in alone. It’s too dangerous. Just now, my two puppets instantly turned to dust. They were crafted from the particularly scarce obsidian rock, extremely sturdy,

was merely a mortal, with not a trace of protection on him. If he were

the others firmly prevented Jared from taking

doing this because I’m confident.” With a casual smile, Jared strolled through the midst of

and the few remaining holy

Jared had expressed his confidence, they

to Jared, they knew what their fate would be. In this

Jared, she would have no idea

all, every man would be captivated by seeing a woman with a graceful figure and stunning

be harmed! All of these cultivators have previously witnessed the formidable prowess of Jared, which is why they are able to suppress their carnal desires within their hearts! Bianca thought if something unforeseen were to happen

watchful eyes of the crowd, Bianca and

Jared stepped into the

completely unharmed, and the array in the courtyard seemed to

Holden and the others, they were all

what method Jared had used to prevent the activation of

into the courtyard, his hand hovered in mid-air, as if searching for

“I see. No wonder so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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