Jared was somewhat reluctant to let Vermilion Demon Lord regain his physical body. Having him reside within my consciousness field to serve as my advisor should be quite beneficial!

“Brat, don’t you dare harbor any ideas. I won’t stay in your consciousness field forever. If you dare to trap me, I swear, even if it means my soul shattering into pieces, I will explode your consciousness field!” Vermilion Demon Lord threatened Jared.

In reality, Vermilion Demon Lord was merely issuing threats. If he could shatter Jared’s consciousness field, he didn’t need to coexist with Jared. He would have taken control over Jared long ago.

When Jared’s Golden Tome within his consciousness field let out a single flash of golden light, it was enough to scare Vermilion Demon Lord. The idea of Vermilion Demon Lord trying to shatter Jared’s consciousness field was nothing short of a joke.

“Mr. Vermilion, I was just thinking out loud. There’s no need to be nervous.” Jared chuckled.

“Brat, I would have never imagined that I, of all people, could be cornered by a mere Tribulator. This Extremus Frost Flame is also a type of demonic fire. You should be able to absorb it. If you manage to refine it, you’ll possess three types of demonic fire,” Vermilion Demon Lord said to Jared.

“H-How do I refine it? If I touch it, it’ll freeze me solid, no?” Jared was utterly speechless.

“Don’t be afraid. You possess the demonic fire soul essence. It’s not possible for you to freeze to death. If things really get out of hand, you can always use the demonic fire soul essence to absorb the Extremus Frost Flame. But that would be such a waste,” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

took the Dragonslayer Sword and fiercely struck

first release the Extremus Frost Flame, only then could


blast, the polar stone shattered instantly, and the Extremus

Flame, seemingly alive, attempted to

catching the Extremus Frost Flame

instantly enveloping Jared

fire nascence within him. At that moment, he was enveloped by fierce flames. Yet, even in such conditions, frost rapidly formed over his body, almost turning him

powerful suction force was drawing the Extremus

with all its might, seemingly unwilling to be

Jared was absorbing the Extremus Frost Flame, his demonic fire soul essence

to ingest the demonic fire soul essence to counteract it. Otherwise, Jared might just end up

frost energy began to spread wildly within

core and demon fire were

and battle within Jared’s body. If it weren’t

in frost, standing blankly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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