He hadn’t expected the Mueller family to locate this place so quickly.

“They’ve already passed through here. We just hid you in the dirt just now. That’s why they didn’t discover you,” Bianca said.

Only then did Jared understand. I thought I was buried because I refined the demonic fire! As it turns out, Bianca and the others were behind it!

Jared cast a glance toward the depths of the sect before saying to Bianca, “You guys should stay put for now. Don’t wander around. You can rest in the few courtyards that were just inspected. I’ll go check out the depths of the sect’s grounds myself. Remember! Don’t wander around or venture into unexplored areas.”

Jared wanted to venture deeper into the sect. He feared that bringing Bianca and the others along might hold him back.

Furthermore, bringing them along was quite risky. After all, members of the Mueller family had also entered. If they happened to encounter each other, Jared was afraid he wouldn’t have the energy to protect Bianca and the others.

Bianca was well aware that their current abilities were no match for the Mueller family and would likely only cause more trouble for Jared.

Bianca nodded and replied, “Mr. Chance, please take good care of yourself. We’ll be waiting for you here!”

“All right!” Jared began to head toward the depths of the sect.

the Mueller family, had already swiftly ventured deep into the heart of the

a remarkably well-preserved mansion emerged. This

that this mansion was undoubtedly a residence for the higher-ups of the

excitement, Leighton exclaimed, “Ms. Selma, such a well-preserved mansion must certainly

then pointed and

had no choice but to go. Summoning all his courage, he

realized that there was nothing out of the ordinary. No restraints, no traps, not even the slightest

of the Mueller family then declared,

this, Selma then proceeded to

that as they stepped into the mansion, the ground beneath

the void surrounding the mansion was

oblivious to the changes in the mansion, continued

the mansion, a main hall loomed before their eyes. Within the

depicted in the statue looked like an immortal. At first glance, he exuded an aura of mysticism and wisdom.

a communication device, as if

halo even

possibly be a body

Realm, many elders and sect leaders felt quite proud of themselves. Consequently, they had statues sculpted in their own image,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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