“Brat, you can’t escape, not after you’ve courted death. Today seems to be a fortunate day for our Mueller family. By eliminating you, we can secure a hundred-year offering from Demon Seal Alliance. Moreover, we’ve also acquired the celestial technique legacy.” At that moment, Selma was overjoyed beyond measure.

Jared, who was in the midst of fleeing, suddenly halted. He then looked at Selma with a face full of mockery.

Selma paused, halting in her tracks, a puzzled look etched across her face as she turned to Jared. “Brat, why are you smiling?”

“I’m smiling because you’re such a fool, believing you could actually acquire the celestial technique legacy. What a load of rubbish.” Jared’s smile grew even more radiant.

Then, right before Selma’s eyes, his figure gradually vanished.

Upon seeing the situation, Selma was instantly shocked.

“I’ve been fooled!” Realizing what was happening, Selma hurriedly rushed back.

At that moment, Leighton was leading his people relentlessly pursuing Jared.

had utterly ruined everything

received the celestial technique legacy, his status in the


saw that Leighton had unexpectedly left the mansion, and a sense of unease welled

Leighton finished speaking, he spat out blood once again, his

family and spat, “Are you all just good for nothing?

we’ve discovered that it was just a shadow clone,” several members of the Mueller family

That celestial technique legacy belongs to our family!” With a thunderous roar, Selma led her men to start

Selma would claim Infinitnus Celestial Sect’s celestial technique legacy as theirs! Jared was holding the statue in

understand why I can’t store this statue in my storage ring?” Jared asked with

and if a fight were to break

can’t you store in this storage

living people inside,”

made from flesh, so inside the

would be a corpse and should’ve been able to be stored in the storage ring,”

the blood demon was stored within the storage ring, and Jared even

inside the statue isn’t dead?” Vermilion


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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