In the mansion, Jared’s eyes were tightly shut and his clothes billowed around him as an overwhelming aura erupted from him.

Immediately after that, he suddenly opened his eyes. His body radiated a brilliant golden light, reminiscent of a volcano erupting, shooting up towards the sky.

Everything that the golden light touched was reduced to rubble. Even the mansion’s protective formation vanished in an instant under this wild energy.

The Muellers, stationed outside the mansion, were filled with overwhelming fear. Unable to withstand this rampant aura, they fled one after another into the distance.

“What’s going on here?”

“Did Jared fully absorb the legacy?”

“Why isn’t Uncle Leighton back yet?”

The Muellers panicked, fleeing for their lives.

At that moment, Jared was enveloped in a golden light, his eyes filled with blazing flames.

had long since been reduced to rubble,

disbelief. At that moment, Jared seemed as


lightning tribulation clouds gathered in the sky, followed immediately by

vanished when the lightning

lightning hit Jared, wild

Tribulation? He’s…

bad. Notify Uncle Leighton and Ms.

this guy making his

lightning tribulation is just

Leighton and Selma while Jared continued levitating in mid- air,

Infinitnus Celestial Sect to tremble under

there, stopped in their tracks and

someone achieving

if he’s breaking through to become a Fourth Level Tribulator, such a minor

is now in ruins. This brat’s aura

Jared! Hurry!” Selma felt a sense of foreboding creeping up on her when she

and Leighton quickened their pace,

hoped to arrive before Jared succeeded in achieving his breakthrough so that they would have a chance to

another bolt of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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