Chapter 3858 Utterly Majestic

Selma was taken aback, quickly raising his arms in alarm. But the frost on her arms did not disappear.

Selma was thrown into a panic. I have trained in the art of frost technique, which should have made me immune to frost energy. How could I possibly be frozen?

Just as Selma was at a loss, the enormous chunk of ice began to crack, eventually shattering completely.

Jared’s figure too, shot up toward the sky.

“Sacred Light Fist!”

Jared was radiating a golden aura, appearing as majestic as a deity. His massive punch was heading straight for Selma.

Selma was taken aback, instinctively wanting to resist. However, her arms were immobilized, completely unable to execute any moves,


The punch sent Selma crashing down to the ground.

“Take this! And this!”

was suspended mid-air, his fists glowing with a golden

entire sect trembled as Selma

“Mr. Chance is incredible!”

witnessing this scene, Bianca and the others couldn’t help but cheer in

faces full of disbelief. “Incredible!” they exclaimed. “I can’t believe a Fourth Level Tribulator is beating

technique is this?

They couldn’t understand how Jared, a mere

the rest of the Mueller family were dumbfounded when they saw Selma being pummeled to

moment ago, they were secretly pleased, believing that Jared was no match for Selma. But in the blink

how Jared was actually still

Selma had already been slammed into the ground, yet Jared showed no signs of letting up. His fists continued to

long since become

the eldest daughter of the Mueller family, it was one thing to be struck, but to have her

out a

white frost erupted from within Selma,


of humiliation was even

kill you! I’ll f*cking


have the

cold as his hands instantly unleashed a relentless barrage

dispersing the white frosty mist that

Selma was suddenly exposed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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