Chapter 3869 I Have Something For You

As Infinitus Celestial Sect crumbled, the entire mountain peak began to collapse as well.

Soon, vast expanses of polar stones appeared.

The entire mountain, astonishingly, was constructed entirely of polar stones.

It was simply that the polar stones were covered up, and so no one had managed to find it.

“So this is the polar stone mine. There are so many of them…” Bianca and the others exclaimed in shock.

Jared’s face was filled with astonishment. He hadn’t expected the mountain peak to be the polar stone mine.

“Mr. Chance, this is where we part ways. We’ll always remember the life-saving favor you’ve done for us.” Holden gazed at the pile of polar stones. As those were of no use to him, he decided to leave.

Another thing was that he was afraid Nolan would come looking for him.

he got involved, there would

like his were no match

care, Mr. Holden.” Jared bade

numerous cultivators, departed. Their journey was not in vain. Although they didn’t acquire

items from Craftsmen Sect, he could return and thoroughly study them. Jared and his companions, facing the polar

item pouch was

Jared didn’t dare to store anything in his storage ring

a blow to Lunarius Palace. Almost all the outer circle disciples were wiped out, with only

down to just five. Such a loss was a significant

the polar stones and the subsequent polar stone mines,

later, Jared and his group returned to Lunarius

have anticipated their return as she led others to welcome

disciples, Bianca, Yuliya, and others could no longer contain themselves. They rushed over, burying their heads in their hands as they

a few

right?” Nieva didn’t show any concern about how

she was interested in inquiring

all right, just overly exhausted. A day of rest should do the trick,” Jared said

nod and then arranged

Nieva unexpectedly

owe you for this one. You can keep all the items inside. Thanks to you, our Lunarius Palace is now in possession of a vast amount of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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