Chapter 3874 Lend A Hand

“Mr. Chance, what do you plan to do with them? Do you also know how to craft puppets?” Dillon asked curiously.

“I know a little, but I haven’t tried,” Jared said humbly.

Dillon looked at Jared with an incredulous expression. He wondered if there was anything that Jared, a Fourth Level

Tribulator cultivator, did not know.

He led Jared into an arcane array that illuminated with a sequence of dazzling beams of light.

Jared knew from a glance that this was a small-scale Teleportation Array that could only teleport a short distance.

had a small Teleportation Array,

place. There are many powers and influences. Pathfinder Sect houses

any order in the Ethereal Realm. Fights could break out at any

around Demonia Mountain in the southern region was relatively decent. It had its own order, far from being hopelessly chaotic, and even

were in chaos despite having a governor in charge. Jared wondered


you do me a favor and ask Pathfinder Sect to help me find my remains? The region of Demonia Mountain is vast. If you were to search for my remains

was complete, Vermilion Demon Lord could gradually restore his

and they had numerous disciples under their wing. They were privy to a wealth of information. Vermilion Demon Lord was certain that their search would be much

Dillon and asked, “Mr. Sawyer, does Pathfinder Sect deal in more than just the trade of information? Do you also engage

The only exceptions are assassination jobs. We don’t help people kill. As long as the money is right,

me in locating the remains of a corpse. They should be scattered somewhere around Demonia Mountain, but I’m not

Countless people have died here.

took out the skull and arm bones of Vermilion Demon Lord,

look and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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