Chapter 3884 Too Twisted

At that moment, Jared was engulfed by a dark tide, completely out of sight, leaving his fate unknown. This filled them with immense anxiety.

“Mr. Chance, you must absolutely hold on!” Faiyar was praying.

However, at that very moment, a speck of light stubbornly emerged from the darkness.

At first, the radiance was like a faint starlight in the night sky. But as Jared’s internal energy surged continuously, it grew brighter and more dazzling. Eventually, it was like the first ray of sunlight before dawn, piercing through the thick darkness and illuminating the entire sky.

Following this, Jared appeared. At this moment, three distinct demonic fires of different colors engulfed him. It was a blazing red, a mysterious blue, and a pure white.

Under Jared’s control, these three demonic fires roared like massive dragons, charging toward Alphonse’s dark tide.

three fire dragons were in the middle of a tumultuous battle, tearing and gnashing amidst the black tide. Each of their attacks was as powerful as a thunderbolt, shattering

dragons, the black tide gradually lost

that Jared would be

rude not to retaliate…” With a grand sweep of his hand, Jared sent three fire dragons hurtling toward

front of

dragons was simply too overwhelming. Even with Alphonse exerting all his strength, he struggled to withstand such a

against the black mist shield. Each impact caused the shield to shudder

all his strength to maintain the

as time passed, he gradually felt overwhelmed. The power of the fire dragons seemed inexhaustible, each attack more fierce than the

the shield of black mist could no

opportunity, the fire dragons broke free from the shield’s

fire dragons opened their massive jaws, spewing out


a dreadful scream as a sudden mist of

flames, immediately extinguishing the fire

eruption of white mist from within Alphonse, Jared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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