Chapter 3894 All Friends

Seeing that no one was backing down, Jared led everyone toward Lunarius Palace.

However, as Jared led everyone away from Southedge City, a young man watched their retreating figures, a cold smirk suddenly playing at the corner of his mouth.

Quickly, the young man’s figure vanished, and Jared and the others didn’t even realize they were being observed.

A massive crowd of over a thousand people began their trek up the mountain, trudging through the accumulated snow.

On the way and above in the sky, cultivators were hurrying toward Lunarius Palace. As they approached Lunarius Palace, the guards inside had also taken notice of the scene,

Watching the swarming crowd above and below, the numerous disciples of Lunarius Palace were stunned.

Immediately, the disciples from Lunarius Palace began to shout out loud, “Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Hurry up and alert Ms. Nieva!”

the front door. When

that the Mueller family could

moved in the sky and others on the ground. It was absolutely breathtaking to see them cover the sun

“M-Ms. Nieva?”

watched the scene unfold, finding herself

helplessness in her eyes. She let out a soft sigh and said, “Bianca, take all the disciples of Lunarius Palace and leave through the back mountain. The further you guys go, the better.

your identities and never again claim to be disciples

she was truly at her wits’ end. Facing the onslaught of so many, Lunarius Palace was

worth it to have so many

foundation was not solid

not leaving, Ms. Nieva! I want

head and voiced

Palace yelled with unwavering determination, “We won’t leave, Ms. Nieva. We choose to stay with you! We’re ready to go down alongside Lunarius

If you all leave, then Lunarius Palace will not be completely destroyed. Perhaps it will reemerge many years later. If we all

let out a sigh, then commanded in a firm tone, “I order you all to leave Lunarius Palace immediately. If you delay, it will be

looking at Nieva’s

Palace away, Yuliya suddenly cried out excitedly, “Ms. Nieva, look! It’s Mr. Chance! It’s Mr.

looked over. They found a figure rapidly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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