Chapter 3897 Wipe Them Out

Meanwhile, at Lunarius Palace, Jared took charge alongside Nieva. He directed everyone to set up layers of defense, with everyone at full alert as they prepared for battle.

At that moment, they were simply waiting for the arrival of the Mueller family.

“Mr. Chance, Ms. Nieva, the Mueller family are here!”

Bianca walked into the grand hall, her face slightly tense as she spoke.

Upon hearing that the Mueller family had arrived, both Jared and Nieva rose to their feet at once, their figures disappearing in a flash.

When they reappeared, the two had already reached the entrance of Lunarius Palace.

Suspended in mid-air, they gazed down at the throng of people, all rushing toward them.

Jared watched as the Mueller family was about to arrive. He then turned to Igor and said, “Mr. Lothian, give the order to prepare for battle!”

Igor gave a

all the sects, prestigious families,

within the Cold Palace, rocketing straight toward

thousands of cultivators

emanating from Lunarius Palace, many from the Mueller family

from seclusion yet. As they had followed Aiden to wage this battle,

felt the energy emanating from Lunarius Palace, his brows furrowed slightly

impossible for him to quietly retreat, for it would be utterly

his spine, his expression subtly changing

all of them are

the majority were Tribulators. Among them, there was no lack of Tribulators

Jared managed to gather thousands of cultivators, they would all

that most of them were Tribulators who were incredibly powerful to

we’re here, we ought to go take a

led everyone to the

bands of radiant light, clearly indicating that a protective arcane array had

suspended in midair, each

also took a

the Mueller family’s side, about a dozen cultivators were also floating

Liu and asked, “Mr. Stinton, why

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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