Chapter 3899 Taking A Gamble

“Mr. Chance, don’t be fooled. There’s something peculiar about his aura. Although his cultivation level isn’t apparent, I’m certain it’s not low,” Nieva quietly reminded Jared.

Jared was intently focused on Aiden. Even though the latter was clearly a human cultivator, there was an undeniable hint of demonic aura around him.

Moreover, the latter’s cultivation level was impossible to discern, making Jared hesitant to agree.

Upon seeing Jared’s hesitation, Aiden continued to mock, “What’s the matter? Even in death, are you determined to drag everyone around you down with you? Or maybe, you’re afraid that I’m stronger than you, that you’d die at my hands? If you’re too scared to compete, that’s okay. Crawl beneath my legs and I can spare your life. All you have to do is serve the Mueller family as a slave for five hundred years.”

After Aiden finished speaking, he surprisingly began to reveal his cultivation level.

It was that of a Seventh Level Tribulator.

Upon witnessing Aiden’s voluntary revelation of his cultivation level, Jared furrowed his brows in concern.

was clear that Aiden had

give everyone the assumption that he was a Seventh Level Tribulator, which wasn’t

the former would

There’s no way this guy

know!” Of course, Jared knew that Aiden was intentionally showing

Lord and asked, “Mr. Vermilion, if this guy has

question, Vermilion Demon Lord shook his head. “If his cultivation level surpasses that of Ultimate Realm Level One, you will

Demon Lord’s words left Jared dumbfounded. He couldn’t read Aiden and could only bet that the latter hadn’t surpassed the cultivation of Ultimate Realm

weapons at his disposal. However, if he were

could not be compensated by any divine weapon. The higher one’s cultivation level, the greater the gulf between the levels. Even a slight difference in cultivation level meant a

could manage to hold

the entire universe, it was rare to find such a prodigy, let

spoke again. “However, there is another way. Even if this guy’s power surpasses that of Ultimate Realm Level

“What is it?”

Jared was taken aback!

that you still have someone who only eats, sleeps, and does no work?” Vermilion Demon Lord said with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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