Chapter 3901 Deliberately Provoking Anger

Later on, hundreds of cultivators fiercely battled the great demon lord and eventually slay him. With the passage of time, everyone had long since forgotten about him.

However, at that moment, Aiden had executed his technique to everyone’s surprise.

“This youngster’s demonic technique is an ancient inheritance,” Vermilion Demon Lord said to Jared.

“Ancient inheritance?” Jared was somewhat bewildered.

He hadn’t expected that Aiden would be so formidable.

“You don’t need to be overly concerned. This guy’s demonic technique hasn’t yet reached the level of perfect harmony between his cultivation method and magecraft. It just has a hint of ancient inheritance. Besides, I may be wrong,” Vermilion Demon Lord commented, afraid he might have scared Jared off.


Jared nodded, gazing at the colossal pythons that kept growing bigger in the sky.

With a swift motion, Jared raised his hand, grasping at the void.

fiery clouds surprisingly appeared. Within those clouds,

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

the fiery clouds descended, much

fire continuously pelted down on the massive

technique, everyone collectively

Fourth Level Tribulator, the Seventh

technique, Terrence furrowed his brow

that both Keiran and Selma were killed by Jared, he had never witnessed the techniques

witnessing his casual display

the sky was painted with two colors-the black of the pythons and the red hue of the crimson

thunderous rumble. When each python was struck, they subsequently

both draining each other’s energy. Then, amidst

in the sky,

Aiden were hovering in mid-air,

moves, neither

wasn’t overly surprised. He simply lamented, “You are indeed a formidable opponent. I was actually worried that I’d defeat you with one blow. That wouldn’t have been fun

Jared as a

all he wanted was to have his fun with the

out in the

your abilities, I suggest you apologize and then scurry back home. With skills like that, you’re not even on par with your older brother, let alone your aunt. At the very least, when I killed them, I did have to use a few moves. Your aunt, in particular, fought me until her clothes were all torn off, leaving her naked. Ah… I don’t even know what to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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