Chapter 3905 Belittled Aiden

Upon seeing that, Terrence realized what Jared was after, which was forcing Aiden to reveal his true strength.

Jared’s punch, though it seemed terrifying, didn’t actually hold much power. What mattered more was the mental shock it delivered.

As an observer, Terrence was able to see it all.

However, Aiden was in the thick of it, completely tricked by Jared. Within the Sacred Light Fist lay the illusion nascence. Aiden didn’t realize he was entranced by Jared.

If Jared merely relied on illusion spells, he would surely be seen through by Aiden.

Therefore, Jared utilized the illusion nascence, confusing Aiden’s mind. Also, because the power of the Sacred Light Fist was indeed immense, Aiden believed it was real and revealed his true strength. “Is Ultimate Realm Level One the full extent of your power? How dare you boast to me with just this level of strength.” Jared smirked, his eyes filled with nothing but contempt.

Upon learning that Aiden’s cultivation level was only Ultimate Realm Level One, Jared relaxed, and his stress dissipated.

could easily lead

anger as he spoke. “Hmph, being an Ultimate Realm Level One cultivator isn’t something

Tribulator cultivator? I merely used half of my strength. Your aunt, at Top Level Tribulator, used the secret techniques of the Mueller family to increase her cultivation level by force to Ultimate Realm Level One. Yet, didn’t I still kill her? You, being at Ultimate Realm Level One, will meet the same fate. However, if you willingly admit defeat now and crawl between my legs, I might spare your life. All you need to do

capabilities had been revealed, yet the extent of Jared’s abilities remained a mystery to

light Jared made Selma’s death out to be,

expression and

moment, he had been utterly humiliated. The

that Nieva’s group sure knew how to wage

Aiden’s anger was ignited.

are nothing impressive. I’ll surely kill

Jared’s mockery humiliated him in front of

he couldn’t defeat

her eyes

skills do you have? Just show them already.” Jared continued to

successfully infuriated me, and so you will pay the price,

Jared. He even desired to eliminate the people

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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