Chapter 3921 The Perks Of Being Wealthy

At that moment, a young man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a blue robe and a jade crown, walked over.

“Master, why are you back so late? The sect master has sent several messages inviting you to the council hall for a meeting,” the young man said anxiously upon seeing Dario.

“Mr. Garrido has only been in charge for a few days, and there’s already a daily meeting? Can’t we have any personal space?” Dario replied, clearly annoyed.

“Master, keep your voice down and stop complaining. While you were away, Elder Mr. Moreau was punished by Mr. Garrido. The meeting is probably about that,” the young man whispered, glancing around cautiously.

“What? Orson was punished? Why?” Dario exclaimed in shock.

“I have no idea. It’s a secret, and I only overheard some disciples from the council meeting talking about it,” the young man replied.

this. How did Orson

was about to head to the council meeting. Suddenly, he remembered Jared and pointed at him, saying, “Judd, this is Axel Chadwick, here to join the Violet Flame

understand, Master. You should hurry. If you’re late and Mr. Garrido punishes you, it will be

Orson,” Dario said defiantly, but he quickly ran toward

smiled and patted Jared’s shoulder. “Buddy, you must have given my master quite a bit to bring you directly to the inner

Judd. “Judd, once I join the Violet Flame Sect, we’ll be fellow disciples.

coins, then he beamed. “No problem at all. Everything’s negotiable.

was nothing, but for ordinary sect disciples, it

wonder Judd

take you to the assessment,” Judd said

yet to pass the assessment yet, buy Judd was already acting

did you come to the Violet Flame Sect? The sect

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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