Chapter 3923 Abusing Power For Personal Gain

“Thiago, what’s the meaning of this? Why won’t you let Carla take the assessment? And why must the assessed disciples join your faction?” Judd stormed into the hall, confronting a young man in white.

Thiago smirked, looking at the furious Judd. “Judd, I didn’t stop Carla from taking the assessment, and I didn’t force other disciples to join our faction. It’s their own choice. Can I control that?”

“You’re lying! Just now, you stopped me from taking the assessment and said that as long as I joined your faction, you’d make it easy for me to pass the deacon assessment. You said that!” Carla exposed Thiago’s lie.

But Thiago remained calm, smiling faintly. “Carla, you must have misunderstood. As the chief examiner for this assessment, how could I say such a thing? I would never cheat or show favoritism.”

“You… you shameless…” Carla was rendered speechless by Thiago’s shameless behavior. “Thiago, since you say there was no obstruction, let Carla take the assessment. And for the other inner court disciples taking the assessment, you’re not allowed to obstruct them or demand they join a team,” Judd said, suppressing his anger.

each person must pay five

frowned and said, “Thiago, are you trying to make yourself money by abusing your position as the chief examiner? I’ve never heard of an

never heard of an assessment requiring spirit coins before. You’re clearly

undergoing the assessment

all, for these disciples, five purple spirit coins were indeed a huge sum of

Flame Sect. It’s not just you. Even our faction’s disciples taking the assessment have to pay. But these coins don’t go to the sect. They’re for the assessment

own faction’s disciples.

He knew Thiago was deliberately setting obstacles, making it impossible

examiner was from their faction. This was unfair. They were both

of purple gold spirit coins per

obstruct the disciple assessments like this, I’ll report you,”

a rule set by my master, and it’s even stipulated in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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