Chapter 3925 Taking A Gamble

“Oh, so he’s one of Dario’s recent recruits. No wonder he’s so wealthy. Dario wouldn’t pay attention to any disciple without money. But being rich won’t help. I’ll enforce the rules impartially. If their strength isn’t up to par, they won’t pass the assessment. Money might make you all bow your heads, but it won’t make me corrupt,” Thiago said sarcastically.

It was evident that Thiago was mocking Dario and Judd as they could do anything for money.

Judd blushed because what Thiago said was true.

“Enough chatter. Let’s register them for the assessment,” Judd urged Thiago to stop.

“Judd, I can allow them to participate, but your junior can only take the outer court assessment. He must progress step by step. After observing for a few years, he can take the inner court disciple assessment. That’s the rule, and we can’t break it,” Thiago stated.

Upon hearing this, Judd was enraged. “Thiago, will you ever stop? He is a disciple personally brought by my master. He doesn’t need the outer court assessment. You’re doing this on purpose.”

“Previously, it wasn’t necessary, but the rules have changed now. We must go through an outer court assessment, and even then, several years of observation are required.”

“You…” Judd was furious. “I’ll go to the council meeting and report you. I don’t believe you can dominate the Violet Flame Sect.”


He knew that even if he did go, it

do we need to do to let my master’s disciples take the inner court disciple assessment?” Judd finally asked in resignation. Under the circumstances,

this? The assessment fee for disciples from your faction is

Judd trembled

these spirit coins will be returned to you. What are you afraid of? Do you think your faction’s disciples are

by Thiago’s words. He did think so, considering their small number and weak strength. How

would just be a gift to

purple gold spirit coins aren’t much. Are you willing to bet more?” Jared said, taking

to put up half, and if you win, you take them all.

only a Fourth

“Axel, you…”

Jared was wealthy but didn’t know his actual strength, so he wanted to stop

Jared was only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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