Chapter 3931 Divine Intervention

“What’s going on? Why has the pressure suddenly disappeared?”

“It’s also not hot anymore. So relaxing.”

“Has the assessment become invalid?”

Everyone suddenly felt the oppressive atmosphere lift, and they were all taken aback.

Even Carla was taken aback, expressing her disbelief. “How can this be? Could the test be broken?”

“Carla, regardless, we should seize the opportunity while there’s no pressure and hurry on. Otherwise, we’ll fall too far behind.” Jared hurriedly urged.

“Right, let’s pick up the pace.” Carla gave a nod.

Once the pressure was gone, everyone’s speed increased remarkably. It didn’t take long before they caught up with Adan’s group.

“Adan, look quickly. How did those guys manage to catch up to us?” Someone spotted Jared’s group and quickly alerted Adan.

When Adan turned his head, he saw Jared’s group rapidly closing in.

Moreover, the speed of Jared’s group was impressive and was about to overtake Adan’s group at any moment.

going on here?” Adan was

with a smirk, looked at Adan and said, “Why are you so slow, like

just like

and yet you boast so

other cultivators also sneered at Adan’s

to have no

they were

Clearly, this assessment-” Before Carla could finish her sentence, Jared interjected from the

Even though they’re moving quickly, it’s clear that they’re expending

careful observation, Carla indeed saw that Adan’s group was flushed, their foreheads glistening with

it was only due to their immense strength and ability to resist pressure.

aback, thankful that

can’t beat us. Have you no shame? Earlier, you guys surpass us. Can I accuse you

her group traversed too easily, it would arouse

investigation were to be launched, she feared she might lose her qualification for the

teeth and grimaced, their foreheads slick with sweat.

pace was anything

want to laugh. These

to be struggling, but they quickly surpassed Adan’s group. That left

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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