Chapter 3933 Truly Abnormal

Carla shook her head, saying, “The fire spirit beasts lack distinctive characteristics, and its strength is unpredictable. The strength of the fire spirit beast in each assessment is adjusted by the chief examiner, so it’s never consistent. Moreover, the fire spirit beast doesn’t have any fixed features, all to prevent targeted training.”

Upon hearing that, everyone felt a bit disheartened. It seemed they would have to give it their all. Relying on Jared was of no use anymore.

“Carla, shall we get started?” Jared suggested.

“Hold on. This fire spirit beast must be slain using a fire source. Other methods won’t work, and using a real weapon is absolutely out of the question,” Carla advised once again.

“Understood.” Everyone nodded in agreement. With a swift extension of their hands, flames danced in their palms. Those flames then transformed into various weapons.

“Kill!” The crowd, brandishing weapons that seemed to morph into flames, charged toward the fire spirit beasts.

“Jared, your fire source is too weak. These fire spirit beasts vary in strength. Follow behind me. If we encounter a weaker one, I’ll leave it for you to slay.” Carla held Jared’s hand and shielded him behind her, much like a mother protecting her child.

“Carla, I want to give it a try myself.” After Jared finished speaking, he ignited a flaming sword in his hand.

a swift leap, he charged toward

Seeing the situation, Carla immediately

he swung his sword, causing a fire spirit beast to fall

flashed, the fire spirit beasts were all severed in

harvester, reaping the lives of the fire spirit

that scene

Jared was just another rich kid who had only been brought into the Violet Flame Sect by Dario due

seemed that Jared was quite

rich kid? How is he so

that he encountered the

turned to Carla and

instance, is both affluent and capable.” Carla watched Jared display his impressive skills, her eyes filled with nothing but admiration. Jared is wealthy, handsome, and incredibly capable.

but burst

at? Get moving already. Choose the weaker fire spirit beasts to slay. Once Adan’s group arrives, there’ll be nothing left for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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