Chapter 3935 Sneaking Around

“Ah, I’ve slain ninety-nine! I’m just short of one more…” A cultivator roared in frustration, but a beam of light ultimately transported him out of the assessment field.

Upon seeing that Jared’s group had all passed, Adan scowled.

“We all may have passed this stage, but special attention must be paid to the next one, which is the ultimate test of your fire source,” Carla addressed the crowd.

She was also saying that for Jared because his fire source was too weak. Hence, the next stage was crucial to him.

Accompanied by a vast beam of light descending, Jared’s group slowly found themselves enveloped by the radiance. Then, everything before their eyes turned pitch black.

When Jared opened his eyes again, he found himself surrounded by a vast expanse of white, unable to see anything. Even his spiritual sense couldn’t penetrate through it.

At that moment, Jared felt as though he was in a confined space.

Jared tried to navigate through the vast expanse of white, but he found that he couldn’t escape.

You just need to harness the fire source within you and withstand the test for a moment. Rest assured, there’s no threat to your life. If you really can’t hold on

then quietly took a seat,

heat rolled in, and Jared felt as if he

him. Even though he couldn’t see them, he could definitely feel

fire source to

oneself made it impossible for

low power couldn’t possibly bother him,

Unexpectedly, he started

that those surges of warmth

aura, a sudden joy surged

the Violet Flame Sect, something Jared had never seen before. If he could absorb and refine that fire source, making it his own, he

outward in tandem with

relentless surge of heat.

locate the position of the fire source before he could

sense. However, Jared ingeniously utilized the

moment, everyone was situated within a vast space. The distance between each person was not far, but they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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