Thiago piped up, “What do you know, you newbie? There’s no one else capable of pulling this off except Carla!”

Thiago was quick to pin the blame on Carla so he wouldn’t have to bear any responsibility himself.

Jared retorted, “Why would you think that only Carla could do this?”

“It’s simple! She’s the only one powerful enough to cause the fire source at the test site to surge and cause an explosion. No one else has that kind of skill,” Thiago replied with a cold snort.

Jared glared coolly at Thiago and returned, “Even without her capabilities, it’s not impossible to trigger an explosion from a fire aura. For example, if someone were to bring in an artifact imbued with a fire source and then release it into the air, couldn’t that also cause an aura surge that would lead to an explosion?”

Upon hearing this, Thiago instantly furrowed his brows. A hint of alarm flitted through his gaze.

Meanwhile, a wide-eyed Adan stared at Jared in utter disbelief.

No one saw me when I was acting. But how on earth does Jared know about this?

nodded and muttered, “Indeed,

listen to these newbies’ nonsense. They’re all outer circle disciples; how could they possibly possess a magical time imbued with a fire source?” Thiago hurried to

the truth. I suspect

“I d-d-don’t have it.”

shook his head,

mocking glint in his eyes. He stared at Adan and continued, “If you

you are? Adan is the most senior outer circle disciple! How do you have the right

find that bronze mirror, we’ll

insistence on frisking Adan, Judd asked, “Axel, do

during the assessment. It seemed to contain a fire source. He probably wanted to boost his fire source aura, pushing us

immediately livid when he heard this. I can’t believe

a search

then, but it’s only fair if everyone

agreement. “Of course. Everyone who was evaluated must


pain. “My stomach hurts,” he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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