Jared waved his hand, and Thiago felt a flash of white light before his eyes. Immediately after, he found Jared standing right before him.


Thiago launched a palm strike.

This strike pierced right through Jared’s body, yet it seemed as though Jared was completely unscathed. Taken aback, Thiago once again launched an attack on Jared.

Jared didn’t retaliate at all, simply allowing Thiago to continually assail him.

“What’s going on with, Thiago? Has he lost his senses? Why is he recklessly making moves in the arena?” someone asked Adan.

At that moment, Adan was utterly bewildered. He saw Thiago in front of Jared, constantly waving his hands around.

Jared was not far ahead of Thiago, and he hadn’t moved an inch.

He was looking at Thiago as if he were watching a monkey show. Judd and Carla were also utterly shocked, unable to comprehend what on earth Thiago was up to.

“Judd, is Thiago sick?” Carla asked.

“I’ve never heard of Thiago being sick… Could it be that…”

A thought seemed to strike Judd, and his eyes suddenly widened.

is it?”

has fallen under some illusion spell? He’s completely engulfed

How could he possibly

face full of

has cast the spell, making Thiago fall right into the trap.

Judd expressed his admiration.

be an array master too? It seems unlikely.

brows furrowed slightly as she

is activate the documentation device, and the illusion spell will be set into motion. Don’t forget,

that should be

Carla finally understood now.

in the area, moving around as agile as a monkey, leaping up and down. It

distance away, his arms folded across his chest, his face filled with

long, Thiago was drenched in sweat, evidently nearing exhaustion. His face twisted in a grotesque expression

that no matter how much he attacked Jared, he astonishingly couldn’t manage to

nearly drove Thiago to

Jared finally made his


ended up sprawling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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