“Respected elder, my junior here has just joined us and is thus not fully aware of the rules. Could you please show leniency this time?”

“I will get him to reveal his cultivation level and subject himself to our inspection!”

After finishing his words, Judd quickly turned to Jared and said, “Jared, you need to fully unleash your potential, and there should be no more hiding. If you want to join Violet Flame Sect, you must be completely open.”

“Judd, I wasn’t concealing my level at all. I’m currently at Fourth Level Tribulator.”

Jared said in a bewildered manner!

He merely concealed his identity, but did not hide his cultivation technique at all. As for the ‘strength he exhibited, Jared had no control over it. This was simply the power he possessed at Fourth Level Tribulator.

“Jared, stop being stubborn. Just admit your mistake quickly, and there might still be a chance for you.”

Carla also turned to Jared, and offered his advice.

“Carla, I am really at Fourth Level Tribulator. If you don’t believe me, I’m open to being examined!”

Jared said in a nonchalant tone!

Jared’s denial, the juridical elder snorted coldly, “Fine, we’ll conduct a full-body search

that, several other juries simultaneously surrounded Jared. Each of them released their consciousness to envelope

to allow all traces

fifteen minutes, beads of sweat

thorough investigation, it was indeed confirmed that Jared was

meant Jared neither

really strange. He was truly just at Fourth Level Tribulator and there was

with a puzzled look


shook his head, and asserted, “That’s impossible. He’s only at Fourth Level Tribulator, so how could he possibly defeat me, someone at Eighth

he insisted. “This guy must have some hidden cultivation

been defeated by

though you’re currently the head disciple. We can still figure it out whether or not there are hidden cultivation level. Otherwise, there would

expression turned slightly irate

calm down, honorable juridical elder. That’s not what I

Thiago hastily apologized!

which was a fact that surpassed everyone’s

up other excuses because you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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