“Could this guy actually have mastered the cultivation technique of merging with fire source?”

Upon seeing the situation, Jared was immediately taken aback!

He had thought that only Gael had the ability to merge different fire sources, but unexpectedly, Thiago was also capable of this feat!

The truth was not everyone was capable of controlling fire source, and mastering fire fusion technique, which was even more challenging!

After the two fire sources merged, their power had clearly increased significantly!

The flames engulfing Thiago surprisingly turned a deep brown, and his entire demeanor twisted grotesquely, making him look like a demon!

On Thiago’s chest, a series of peculiar patterns emerged, and a black lotus flower bloomed!

At that moment, Thiago looked incredibly weird!

“How did this guy suddenly get demonic aura?”

Jared’s eyes were filled with surprise!

At first, Thiago didn’t seem to possess any trace of demonic aura, making it impossible to identify him as a Demonic Cultivator. But now, he had somehow acquired a hint of it. Although the demonic aura was faint with just a sliver, it didn’t escape Jared’s notice!

on here? Isn’t

brows. He had seemingly noticed something

discussion among the others as well. They had never seen this kind of technique before. However, what many failed to notice was that

This guy is actually employing such a method to merge the

moment, Vermilion Demon Lord

“Demonic black lotus?”

Jared was taken aback!

lotus. This kind of black lotus needs to be nurtured within the body. Once it

to fuse with the demonic black lotus.

suffer severe damage. They would need to heal and rejuvenate themselves. If they are not

lotus within him, and chose to unleash it at

Lord expressed his

not some deep-seated vendetta. Thiago seemed ready to fight to the death by

like this Thiago

isn’t a Demonic Cultivator? He also hasn’t mastered

Jared asked!

do so was entirely due to the demonic black lotus. However, it’s unclear where this

Vermilion Demon Lord answered!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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