“Juliet? Is she Mr. Ortiz’s daughter?” Jared asked with a hint of curiosity.

“Indeed she is! She’s Mr. Ortiz’s only daughter and has inherited his profound teachings. Many sects and prestigious families from the central region have come to seek her hand in marriage, but Juliet has turned them all down. There are even rumors that she doesn’t fancy men at all, suggesting she might prefer women…” Judd explained, lowering his voice conspiratorially.

Jared chuckled at that.

It seemed that her aloof demeanor had led to such wild speculations.

How ridiculous!

“Judd, I’m feeling a bit tired. I’d like to rest now. Could you show me to my room?” Jared said, uninterested in more gossip from Judd.

As for whether Juliet Ortiz was a lesbian, Jared didn’t care in the least as it had nothing to do with him.

“Sure, I’ll take you to my place. You can stay in my room,” Judd agreed and nodded.

his small courtyard. Being a deacon, Judd enjoyed better

meticulously designed and filled with various spiritual

courtyard was surrounded by array runes circuit, indicating that Judd, as a

considered good among the other deacons of Violet Flame Sect.

rooms here, more than enough for both of us. Why go through the trouble of finding another place? Let’s

disturbances that could affect your cultivation. I’ll be fine staying

reason to argue further, closed the door

settled, Jared began to refine the two types

Thiago. It was weak because Thiago himself

slowly nurtured and refined the two types

fire sources made Jared’s

a gentle wave of his hand, Jared summoned five types of fire

spectrum of lights that danced across his body. From the outside, it seemed as though his

his body, allowing them to flow through every part of him. Relaxing his mind, he let the flames scorch

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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