Carla shook her head when she heard that. “When Berthold left, he was already an Eighth Level Tribulator. I don’t know how much he’s progressed. If he were to do something crazy, I’d rather end my own life. Even if I die, I must not let him tarnish me.”

When Carla spoke these words, her face was full of determination. It was clear that if it came to that moment, she was truly ready to take her own life!

“Carla, even if you were to commit suicide, Berthold might still be interested in your corpse. Won’t that be…”

Jared didn’t finish his sentence, confident that Carla understood what he was trying to say.

A grimace appeared on Carla’s face. She had not considered that at all.

Berthold can’t be that perverted, right?

However, no one could be certain.

Carla found herself in a tough spot.

“Carla, if Berthold gives you any trouble, let me know. I’ll protect you!” assured Judd hastily when he saw the distressed look on Carla’s face.

you defeat Berthold?”

speechless. Naturally, he couldn’t win

he dares to come here to bother you, I won’t let him leave this door,” suggested

this, she instantly perked up and nodded enthusiastically. “Sure! I’ll sleep with you. I’ll grab my blanket

that, Carla dashed off

he saw her eagerness. He asked her to sleep over

but Carla

usually quite aloof. However, she turns into a smitten fangirl in front of you! You’re in for a treat tonight. Enjoy yourself! I won’t bother you any

for Carla’s safety. I have no ulterior motives, I wouldn’t lay a finger

doesn’t feel the same? Judging from the

Judd turned

her blanket. Without a word,

room and promptly shut

door. You should sleep

to let Carla

trying to persuade Jared. However, seeing that he remained unmoved,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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