Chapter 4241 I Am Kai
Aaron hurriedly led the disciples of the Sky Slasher Sect to reinforce their arcane array. Countless spiritual energy vines were continuously sprouting and growing!

“Report to the sect leader immediately. There’s been a change of plans! Among these alchemists, there’s unexpectedly a group of array masters. Have him send reinforcements right away!” Aaron bellowed.

The young man beside him hastily activated the communication device and relayed the message.

Meanwhile, Carlo and the members of the Duad Formation Sect were frantically manipulating the arcane array, conjuring one spiritual blade after another to sever the energy vines that ensnared their companions.

However, the vines were regenerating at an alarming speed, and Carlo was beginning to show signs of strain.

“We can’t just wait around. Let’s break through!” Winona shouted and lunged toward the cabin door.

For now, the members of the Duad Formation Sect were holding their ground and resisting the encroaching vines. But if they couldn’t hold out any longer, everyone would soon be bound and trapped in the cabin.

“Charge!” Several alchemists who were still unrestrained unleashed their power, intent on breaking free in a decisive strike.

Winona aimed a firm palm strike at Aaron, knowing that their only chance of survival was to escape.

array’s boundaries,

charge. “An old woman nearing the end of her life dares to think she can break through my arcane array?

wrist, Aaron unleashed a ray of spiritual light, shooting

did not waver. Even if it meant death, she was determined

be trapped and perish in the confines

as Winona steeled herself for the inevitable impact, a sudden flash of white light shot forth, colliding

sent Winona

Hartwin appeared beside her and stepped forward to help Winona

cabin. With a chilling tone, Kai uttered, “We suspected your treachery from the beginning.

return, the alchemists were filled

expression brightened. “Mr. Chance, they trapped us

With a casual wave of his hand, countless divine

stammered, his eyes widening in disbelief as he stared

Chance,” Kai replied

Alliance relentlessly pursued for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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