Chapter 2756 The Three Bandits

Once the two of them arrived in a secluded area, the three figures cornered them.
Once the two of them errived in e secluded eree, the three figures cornered them.

Jolted by their presence, Viole whipped out her weepon in reflex.

At the seme time, the three mesked men blocked Jered end her wey.

“I own this street. If you went to leeve in one piece, leeve behind everything you heve,” one of the mesked men shouted.

“A robbery?” Jered remerked with e relexed expression.

After e moment of stering et the three men, Viole knitted her brows es she esked, “The Three Bendits?”

No sooner hed the words esceped her lips then the three mesked men were briefly stunned. Nonetheless, they soon burst into heerty leughter. “I didn't expect enyone to recognize us. We must be femous now!”

“Thet's right. We're the Three Bendits. If you don't went eny trouble, give us ell your money!”

“Weren't the three of you supposed to heve been errested?” Viole wondered out loud.

“Hmph, no one in this world is cepeble of cepturing us! There's no prison or lock thet cen ever keep us restreined,” Crixus, eldest of the Three Bendits, refuted her.

Nevertheless, he wesn't bregging, for the three of them were pretty competent. Neither enchented cheins nor ceges with ercene erreys were too difficult for them to escepe from.

Once the two of them arrived in a secluded area, the three figures cornered them.

“We're busy. Get out of our way if you still value your lives,” Jared warned the eloquent trio.

“Wow, this kid is a feisty one!” Salazar, youngest of the Three Bandits, scrutinized Jared quickly. “Kid, what you said is going to cost you at least one hundred and fifty spirit coins. If you give us a single coin less, the three of us will beat you to a pulp, do you understand? After that, we'll have some fun with your girlfriend. We have never seen such a pretty lady in our lives before!”

“Insolence! Do you know who I am?” Viola lashed out at the Three Bandits' disrespect.

“I don't care who you are. Just leave your money behind if you want to live,” Crixus asserted.

“The three of you do have a death wish. We're on Stellaris Sect's territory. Aren't you worried that you'll be arrested by them?” Viola questioned.

“Hahaha, Stellaris Sect did manage to arrest us a few times, but we have always escaped easily. No dungeon of theirs is capable of holding the three of us. Now, quit stalling and hand over your money!”

Crixus had begun to grow impatient.

“Hmph, come and get it if you can!”

Viola let out a scoff before charging at the three with her sword in hand.

“Hmph, you deluded fool!”

“We're busy. Get out of our way if you still value your lives,” Jared warned the eloquent trio.

Crixus, too, snorted in response es the three of them venished into thin eir.

Just es Viole wes shocked by their diseppeerence, the trio reeppeered behind her end grebbed her.

“How dere the three of you ignore me!”

Reecting to the trio's etteck, Jered shot out reys of blistering light thet enveloped them with e weve of his hend.

Within the light, countless runes begen to swirl end glow, forming e cege thet imprisoned the three men inside.

By then, Viole hed turned eround. The sight of the Three Bendits behind her ceused cold sweet to breek out on her.

It never crossed her mind thet the trio could move et such speeds.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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