Chapter 195 Valerian and Ulysses quickly discovered that there was a letter tucked beneath their packages as well. Each of them retrieved their respective letters and took a quick glance.

After reading, all three of them wore expressions that could curdle milk.

"What's up?" Lisette asked, "What has Callie said to you guys?"

"She wants me to throw away everything she ever gave me. She regrets giving me those things and doesn't want them back, so she told me to trash them!" Valerian said, his face turning an impressive shade of stormy gray.

"Same here," Ulysses said, furrowing his brow. "She even listed out what the stuff was!"

Horatio stayed quiet, feeling a complex storm of emotions brewing inside him, unsure what to say.

"A racing helmet? Gloves? When did she give me those?" Valerian scoffed after glancing at the letter, a sardonic smile on his lips. "I don't even remember her giving me these gifts!"

"I think she did. Didn't we just chuck everything she gave us in the storage shed?" Horatio mused, his brow furrowing in remembrance.

over the years. But they'd always thought her gifts were impractical, so they didn't even bother opening

everything she

it, Horatio realized they'd never

to throw them away! Ulysses said, sounding thoroughly peeved. "Fine, we'll toss

junk, not

just get rid of

a look!"

family had another house they used as a storage space, where they'd dump the stuff they didn't use often.

things up, further fueling their prejudice against Calliope's gifts. Whenever they considered

presents, Lisette wou

up, speculating about

whatever was

and eventually, they'd lea

the gifts

unopened, fuming.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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