Chapter 237

Katherine had gradually come to terms with the fact at this point, and she smirked enigmatically. "Yeah, who would have thought, right? Surprise, surprise."

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't stupefied the second the revelation hit her. It was such a bolt from the blue that it felt like she was in a prank show. But as she let it sink in, her mind grew more ruffled.

Those b*stards up there sure like to pull pranks, sending me on such a wild goose chase!

To think the man from five years ago, the one who took her virginity and gave her nights after nights of nightmares was none other than her husband!

Huh, to think something this outrageous would happen to me…

Suddenly, a memory hit her. Beatrice once claimed Joaquin vowed to hold himself responsible to her and that she had already shared a bed with him.

She was referring to the incident five years ago, wasn't she? So, Joaquin feels guilty about the incident, too, huh? He just got the wrong person.

However, it didn't mean it could be an excuse to offset the harm he gave her from that night!

Though she had to spare the mystery man for the sake of Noah, she'd make his life a living hell after hunting him down. But now that the face of the loathsome man and Joaquin's overlapped, she was actually beginning to question her decisions.

To think it's him… But how can it be him?!

Savannah, on the other hand, didn't look too happy too when she saw her boss looking somewhat lost. "Boss, what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know," monotoned Katherine after pondering for a while, baffling Savannah. "Sorry?"

and reiterated, "I

do. Her head was a mess, and she still couldn't comb through her thoughts

Whatever it is, the most important thing now

As she had other things to deal with and the case of the mystery man had pretty much been

staying motionless for a long time as her mixed emotions for Joaquin ruffled her

finding for so long was now in front of her, and

while wasn't a scoundrel, so what

for some reason, right then, she actually wanted to dig up the very memory she had buried deep

discomfort still lingered, but it was no longer as intense as it used

been very impatient, he had actually also been holding himself back as much as possible and didn't just do whatever he wanted with

she also remembered how he kept soothing her with great

Beatrice later on—or perhaps she had deceived him—that he would keep her by his side and even spared her because of 'their past' even

indescribably odd feeling

temples. Don't let your imaginations run wild anymore, Cornell. There's no point in overthinking,

getting somewhere with the toxin in Noah's

toxin in Joaquin's system was Zephyr. No doubt the toxin was already in his system

system, the same method

as she was deep in her

just arrived at Fontan, and Savannah was the only one who knew she had come. What was more, the latter knew the password to the door, so


surveillance at the door, she was surprised by who she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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