Chapter 240

It wasn't until Joaquin took another hissing breath and let out another one that he felt slightly better. Then, he quirked the corner of his lips sulkily upon hearing her words and slouched comfortably in the front passenger seat, no longer putting up a tough front.

"It's not to the point of masochism. I know my body well. Besides, I have you to treat me, don't I? What's there for me to be afraid of? There is one, though—people coveting you." At that, he snorted disdainfully. "Don't think for one second that I can't tell he likes you."

Katherine couldn't help wanting to roll her eyes in response. "So, what if he does? Isn't it more important that I don't like him? Don't tell me you think I'll leave you for him."

"It's a possibility, isn't it?" Joaquin clicked his tongue grimly. "But to think he has feelings for you that he shouldn't have makes me want to mangle him!"

He growled his latter words through gnashed teeth, lacing in animosity.

Katherine's heart skipped a beat in response, and she didn't know what to say for a moment, so she avoided the subject with pursed lips, then chucked a jade jar at him.

Joaquin opened it to find it containing a rather pleasant medicinal-scented ointment.

At that, he quirked a brow, then chucked the jar back to her and behaved like he was the king of the world. "I'm a casualty and have no strength. Apply it for me."

A casualty? Have no strength? Katherine mused. Huh, you looked pretty alive to me when you were roasting Jayden during lunch.

But at the thought that his injuries were indeed quite serious and that he came out to cause mischief as soon as he got a little better, her heart softened, and she just did as he asked.

"Remove your shirt, then." She was exasperated while smearing some ointment onto her fingers.

Joaquin obliged at once, knowing things would go against his wishes if he took it a step further. But as he unbuttoned his shirt, a thought hit him, and he asked, "Why do you have menswear at your home?"

that, Katherine took a gander at his skeptical gaze, then applied a little

he felt a cooling sensation coming from the wounds, alleviating the pain, and he couldn't



in Fontan. She helps me deal with

with another. "How did you find me

was all I could remember, to

pass by." With that, she asked, "And what about you? What are you doing in Fontan? And also suffered a serious

as frost glazed them. "I've come for official business, but because it's an order from Area Seven,

and also got

no more, seeing that

she was done applying the ointment, she wiped her hands, then started the engine

Jeremy came to Joaquin's mind, and he was certain the young man would be freaking out at this point when he couldn't contact Joaquin. Thus, he asked Katherine

young man was choking with sobs when he heard Joaquin's voice. "F*cking hell, Mr. Levisay! You've

driving. "I'm with Kathy. No need to come over. What about the guys? How are

Wait, was

and interjected

sir. Everyone's alright. No deaths, but two casualties, though. But their injuries aren't severe. The mission's a success. We

"Good job. You guys make

"What about you, Mr. Levisay?

Joaquin answered without even a split second of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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